All About Us

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Modesto, CA, United States
We are a brother and sister team out of Modesto, CA. Our focus is primarily on creating unique, affordable, and quality seasonal crafts and providing excellent customer service!

My sister, Lisa, and I (Jeremy) have always been very "crafty." We take after our mother in that sense. Today, we are lucky enough to have the Internet and forums, such as Etsy, to help us make our dreams reality. Basically, just getting our creations out into the world, knowing that something we've created is bringing people joy for the holidays or a special occasion, makes it all worth it!

Check out the following sites for coupon codes and other upcoming holiday / event promotions and products! Lots to come...

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

On to Thanksgiving...

Seasonal Heart is working frantically on Thanksgiving products. Hopefully we will have some items to share later this evening. We've been working on some great ideas and are now trying to put them together into something awesome. It's just so hard to believe 2011 is just about over...


  1. I know...Where does the time go?
    Great pics on the post below! Halloween looks like it was fun. =)
    New follower from The Etsy Revolution team

  2. Hi Kim,

    Thanks, yeah it was a lot of fun. I've followed you back. Thanks a lot for checking us out!

    - Jeremy and Lisa, Seasonal Heart
